Empowering individuals to proactively manage their health throughout all stages of life with comprehensive education and informed support.

Know Your Biological Age

Biological age testing can predict susceptibility to age-related diseases before symptoms appear, allowing for early intervention and prevention.

Understanding your biological age enables you to tailor your health and wellness strategies, including diet, exercise, and sleep habits, to improve your overall health.

BloodAge Analysis

The BloodAge Analysis is a revolutionary tool for understanding and tracking the aging process at the cellular level. Using biomarkers from common blood tests, our ageing clock is a surrogate measure of the biological age and provides a comprehensive report on the health of your blood and overall aging status.

Get more from your clinical blood report

The standard clinical blood report indicates which biomarkers are out of range. The BloodAge can use the same report to make very accurate predictions of the biological age, understand which blood markers are affecting the aging process the most and make AI driven recommendations to improve health.